
The Serverless NYC conference is an uncensored reality-check of serverless frameworks, connecting developers from around the world to share experiences about building applications using a variety of cloud and open source technologies.
The Truth Behind Kelsey Hightower's Tweets: Kelsey Hightower, Google & Asaf Somekh, Iguazio
The Future of Serverless: Yaron Haviv, Iguazio
Adopting Serverless with 80-Million Users: Tyler Love, Bustle
How to Fail Without Even Trying: Jason Katzer, Capital One
Kelsey Hightower, Keynote
The Problem is Data: Gwen Shapira, Confluent
The Hardest Part of Serverless: The Serverless Native Mindset - Ben Kehoe, iRobot
Panel: Open Source Serverless - Serverless NYC 2018
Featured Speakers

Orit Nissan-Messing, Iguazio

Martin Viau, Phone.com

Or Hiltch, Skyline

Chase Douglas, Stackery

David Roberts, Chain.io

Tyler Love, Bustle

Angela Razzell, Capital One

Gwen Shapira, Confluent

David Delabassee, Oracle

Yuval Dovrat, Spotinst

Maxime Rouiller, Microsoft

Drew DiPalma, MongoDB

Ben Kehoe, iRobot

Jason Katzer, Capital One

Dave Grove, IBM

Linda Nichols, Cloudreach

Asavari Tayal, Microsoft

Belinda Vennam, IBM
Featured Sponsors

Serverless and AI
Learn from fellow developers about using serverless to build intelligent applications. Find out which machine learning open source tools are most commonly integrated with serverless functions, how serverless simplifies AI from development to production and which challenges still remain unsolved.

Serverless Across Multi-Cloud and Edge
Discover how developers are dealing with serverless vendor lock-ins. When is it enough to use a single vendor? how much of a hassle is it to run serverless in hybrid environments and is it worth it? Moreover, is it sometimes mandatory?
Serverless Performance in Production
Hear from leading serverless developers about their efforts to accelerate serverless performance. Learn about current maximum serverless speeds and about initiatives to use serverless for stateful and data intensive workloads. Although possible in theory, is it feasible in reality?

Open Source Serverless
Can open source serverless be simpler than Lambda...? It's portable and provides more choices and flexibility in setting parameters, types of data and API gateways. When does open source serverless deliver more value and is it really less expensive in the long run?